Fecal Exam for Cats

Fecal examinations can reveal potential digestive issues from diarrhea to worms in the stool.

Routine fecal analyses are always beneficial for the health of your cat. While adult worms can sometimes be shed in the feces and can then be seen with the naked eye, the majority of intestinal parasites can only be detected with the use of a microscopic fecal exam. By observing your cat’s feces for the possibility of worms, blood or mucus, you can note any changes or abnormalities and report them to your veterinarian.

What is a cat fecal parasite screen?

The best way to perform a fecal parasite screen is by doing a fecal flotation by centrifugation. Another way to perform the screen is a microscopic examination of the cat’s feces.

What is the best method for collecting my cat’s stool?

From a clean litter box, use a ziplock bag or a clean bag free of holes to collect a fresh sample. It is best not to collect much litter on the sample so grabbing it before it gets buried is ideal. You can also try a litter replacement called Nosorb, which we have available for sale. It is made from plastic pellets instead of absorbable pellets and will not interfere with the tests.

How much does a feline fecal exam cost?

For pricing, please contact the hospital, and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.

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